FPT Software Company Limited




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1 Specialization

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31 Certified Professionals

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Platinum, Silver Partner

FPT Software is a leader in digital transformation, empowering our clients on their digital experience and digital marketing journey on omnichannel. We enable a digital ecosystem which encompass content management, commerce, marketing, fueled by insights from customers’ data analytics.

We have served over 700+ customers around a globe, a hundred of which are Fortune Global 500 companies. With 30000 employees spread in 26 countries, we have a diverse pool of talents including consultants, developers, marketers, with a board knowledge in variety of domains as Aerospace & Aviation, Automotive, Banking and Finance, Logistics & Transportation, Utilities and more.

We concentrate on the values we bring to our customers. Our consultant experts prepare tailor-made recipes for our clients’ success, our certified developers cook the solutions with ingredients from Sitecore, and our talented professional garnish the final to welcome end-users. The ideal mix polishes all facets of our clients’ digital transformation process.

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