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The Health Experience Platform
aha!’s suite of data connectors, management tools, and front-end components enable rapid deployment of powerful healthcare digital experiences directly within Sitecore solutions.

Convert healthcare consumers to patients

Modern consumers expect exceptional online shopping experiences. They bring those high expectations to digital healthcare. aha! has years of healthcare and retail ecommerce expertise to deliver key benefits to consumers and healthcare systems alike:
  1. Places contextually relevant healthcare providers throughout your Sitecore-powered experiences
  2. Shortens paths to conversion by highlighting the nearest providers with availability
  3. Empowers Marketing and non-IT content managers to configure placement and display rules for optimum effectiveness
  4. Drives SEO and on-site search discoverability by delivering provider details and patient education content natively to Sitecore-driven experiences

The aha! Health Experience Platform leverages the power of Sitecore to streamline your digital healthcare experiences to deliver the provider access consumers demand with greater agility and speed.

Image of women with arms crossed and looking up with text reading, just like in retail, know this about your consumers

Key Health Experience Platform features

We deliver commerce capabilities to drive healthcare conversion.

healthcare Icon


Free your providers from the directory and place them where they’ll be seen.
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Drive conversion paths

Give consumers the information they need, when they need it, to make a decision to engage.
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Improve your SEO

Consolidate off-domain content in Sitecore to boost SEO domain authority and place your providers on optimized pages.
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Free your teams

Reduce dependency on IT resources and empower your Marketing teams to manage your digital experiences with ease.

The Health Experience Platform Architecture

The complexity of healthcare requires a robust solution. Take a closer look at how the HXP integrates, simplifies, and empowers your consumer experiences on Sitecore.
The Health Experience Platform

HXP in Action

Provider data and site placement is all handled within Sitecore.
Screenshot of single provider view

Single provider view

Showing a single provider allows direct access to their profile page and scheduling options.
Screenshot of gallery view

Gallery view

Curate galleries of multiple providers based on business and personalization rules.
Screenshot of content editor

Manage provider data

View and selectively override provider data within Sitecore, including images.
Screenshot of content editor

Configure display views

Sitecore data sources control layouts and can drive multiple instances throughout the site.
Abundant Health Acquisition, LLC (Aha!)

Abundant Health Acquisition, LLC (Aha!)

The Health Experience Agency

Get in touch to find out more about aha! Health Experience Platform

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