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OrderCloud Forward 2.0 brings a whole new definition to accelerated composable ecommerce experiences for B2X and marketplaces. By leveraging Sitecore OrderCloud Commerce Headless and Content Hub ONE, you can manage your storefront, content, and assets from a single platform while launching within 6 weeks.

OrderCloud Forward 2.0 offers a fully featured storefront accelerator that provides ready-to-use promotions, featured collections, content components, product listing and detail pages, as well as plug-ins for payments, taxes, catalog imports, and pricing imports.

Benefit from our prebuilt admin accelerator dashboard and extended B2B features.

Accelerate your ecommerce journey

With OrderCloud Forward 2.0, you and your teams can take control of your commerce and content in one integrated solution. Being composable in nature, you can future-proof your tech stack and easily connect to other solutions without undertaking massive upgrades.

Speed-to-market: Accelerate your storefront journey with ready-to-launch admin, dashboards, commerce tools.

Pre-built features: Registration, promotions, price breaks, tax, payment, variants, markups, and more

Future-proof: Our composable solution is designed to seamlessly integrate with your new or existing ecosystem, offering agility and flexibility

Improved performance: Easily manage product content, personalization, frictionless checkout, and optimized order processing.

Deliver engaging experiences: Utilize intent to personalize each buyer’s experience, deliver hyper-relevant search results, and automate merchandising.

XCentium Branded Commerce

Built-in features

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Built with headless Sitecore OrderCloud and Content Hub ONE, you can easily connect to other tools and platforms without the need for upgrades.
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Storefront Accelerator

Pre-built D2C commerce storefront that supports ready-to-use promotions, featured collections, PLP, PDP, plug-ins (payments, taxes, catalog imports), pricing imports, and more.
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Admin Accelerator

Pre-built admin dashboard that supports product and category management. We can extend the framework for additional admin features such as RMA, User Management, etc.
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Integrations and B2B features

Integrated with various payment and fulfilment options to offer an enhanced customer experience. Other B2B features include quantity-based price breaks, price schedules, sale pricing, and multi-location inventory.

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Get in touch with us today to find out more about OrderCloud Forward 2.0

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