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Content Hub Product Configuration Management Empower the visualization and building of complex online products
This product configurator solution solves the challenges of creating millions of different product variants, enabling you to manage and deliver them in a user-friendly, visual, and interactive way with consumers.

By utilizing the strong DAM functionalities within Sitecore Content Hub, this product perfectly fits companies where visualization, imagery, and brand value are essential for the product presentation – both in online user interfaces and for in-store displays.

The solution gives consumers the ability to build and buy products online and sets up self-service functionalities for customers, product managers, sales, and service departments, as well as resellers and channel partners.

Furthermore, product managers will have the freedom and flexibility to manage and create configurations themselves.

Elevating the customer journey with product configurators

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital experiences, an online product configurator is indispensable for businesses dealing with products consisting of multiple components that can be assembled in various configurations.

Think of furniture, industrial machines, automobiles, bikes, apparel, home appliances, and more.

The online product configurator becomes the linchpin of the customer experience. It allows a showcasing of the entire product range, offering customers the ability to personalize and configure products according to their unique preferences.

Moreover, the configurator plays a pivotal role in fostering better customer relationships and dealer partnerships.

Our solution, powered by Sitecore Content Hub, provides an incredibly powerful solution that solves the challenge of managing and structuring digital assets, such as product attributes, images, and taxonomies. By creating a complex data model, it is possible to run customizable products in a user-friendly interface.

Using this Product Configurator solution saves time for both customers and employees by drastically reducing order errors through transparency during the customer journey.

Not only will product managers be able to handle new or updated configurations themselves more easily. We can also leverage the rich product data by using machine learning to generate and maintain all allowed configurable options of a product.

Sell your configurable products easier

Sell with clicks instead of old-school conversations

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Powerful visualisation

Give power and control to the end-customer as they can build their own product, enhancing ownership of the buying experience.
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Customer loyalty

Ease of use enhances the overall experience, making it worthwhile for customers and dealers to use your offer again and again.
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By empowering customers to independently configure their products, a configurator diminishes the burden on sales and customer service teams.
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Eliminate errors

The risk of order errors and subsequent returns is minimized, as customers take an active role in designing and specifying their purchases.

Manage your configurable products easier

Empower product managers to build and configure component-based products.

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Utilize knowledge

Empower the product management teams with the power to express valid configurations in an easy-to-use interface.
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Time to market

Start quickly by utilizing the OOTB functionality and configuration implementation. When implemented, the time to market for new configurations is in the hands of product management – not IT.
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Share the data

Implement the configuration module on owned digital properties – but you can also share the configurations with other properties such as marketplaces and third-party sales channels.
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Flexibility of data

The data model of the PCM product configurator can hold any number of dimensions in configuration – and has been validated on data configurations that run into the 100m configurations.
Alpha Solutions

Alpha Solutions

Bringing your Sitecore solution into the composable future: Content, Commerce and Customer Data

Get in touch to find out more about Product Configurator

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