DX: People
Core principles of the DX team
By Alison Sainsbury.
3 minute read
At Sitecore, we know that these changes are only the beginning, and we are using an accelerated, coordinated, cross-functional digital marketing approach to design our digital experience.
Customer behaviors are changing at an unprecedented speed, and the need for customized journeys that speak to the people we are trying to reach is more critical than ever. At Sitecore, we know that these changes are only the beginning, and we are using an accelerated, coordinated, cross-functional digital marketing approach to design our digital experience.
Experience First
We know that customer experience is key to building strong and successful relationships with our audience.
We consider the impact on the customer’s experience and journey for everything we do. Our goal is to deliver a transparent customer experience that proves Sitecore’s ability to deliver on what we promise in an honest, visible, and empathetic way. This philosophy permeates every page we build and every action we take – the impact on and experience of the audience is first and foremost in our minds.
We make decisions based on experience and data, and we explain those decisions on the same basis. To drive decision-making from data, we’ve made tools like data dashboards, optimization results in Sitecore XP and Sitecore Personalize, and multi-touch attribution models readily available to our internal teams and integrated them into our daily evaluation of tactics and experience. We’ve created an environment where checking and learning from decisions is a regular occurrence, and by making a habit of doing that, we’ve improved DX results and systems immeasurably.
We’ve also made sure to implement communication systems to explain what the data is telling us, guiding marketers and other teams to the decisions they need to make, and educating them along the way. We want our internal teams to be able to understand the data independently and bring their own insights to the journey.
We provide solutions to our customers and to the business, both of which need us to deliver for them. Sitecore’s customers have problems they are trying to solve with intelligent martech choices, and by listening to the data and considering the experience, we can help guide them towards the right solution.
Similarly, our broader business teams have problems they are trying to solve, such as generating pipelines or addressing specific segments of customers. We are as invested in solving those problems as we are in the problems that our external customers face. As outlined in "Three tips for long-lasting change in DX," we have found that solving problems that affect both employees and customers is the best way to fuel and accelerate our digital transformation.