Horizontal Digital




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5 Specializations

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121 Certified Professionals

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Platinum, Silver Partner

We help brands maximize Sitecore’s full capabilities through connected experiences that raise customer expectations. With global expertise across the entire Sitecore Experience Platform – including, Sitecore Experience Manager, Sitecore Customer Data Platform, Sitecore Order Cloud, Sitecore Content Hub, and Sitecore Send – Horizontal can help you not only maximize your Sitecore investment, but also help you create real-time experiences that build relationships in the process. Our unwavering focus on delivering connected experiences has allowed us to solve complex challenges for some of the world’s most recognizable brands like Seminole Hard Rock and Emirates NBD.

As the first recipient of the Sitecore Global Excellence in Product Expertise award, we have demonstrated our dedication to the Sitecore platform with our achievements in training, certifications, and enablement. Our dedication to technology has been a part of our DNA since we were founded in 2003, which enables us to be the best partner to deliver on our clients’ ambitions.

  • Platinum Partner
  • 20 Sitecore MVPs (USA, UAE & India)
  • Hundreds of Sitecore deployments
  • 100+ Sitecore-certified developers across global offices in USA, UAE, KSA, Singapore & India

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