Modular content design: creating higher quality content

Learn how modular content boosts efficiency, consistency, and scalability. Discover strategies to streamline creation, enhance CX, and future-proof your marketing efforts.
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Available on Demand

Modular content is essential for creating higher quality, stickier web content. When combined with content management systems, it’s a gamechanger for marketing teams, improving the speed of operations, extending the content lifecycle, and improving time-to-market. A modular content approach enables a unified brand voice, keeping core brand messages consistent across different channels while simplifying the content creation process and improving the customer experience for target audiences.

Join Jacqueline Baxter to learn the benefits of modular content and how modular content strategy allows digital marketing teams to efficiently scale their content creation efforts, to test and personalize their content, to repurpose existing content and structure workflows for effective content reuse, and to adapt to changing markets without sacrificing consistency.

Packed with actionable steps to empowers marketers to create consistent, adaptable, and engaging content experiences while leveraging technology to enhance their efforts:

  • Pairing content with technological functionality to build trust with your audience.
  • Creating a robust internal framework for generative AI use that incorporates guidelines for use, fact-checking processes, and internal checkpoints for bias.
  • Using content modules, templates, and in content development and content production to futureproof a website and lay a strong foundation for scalable marketing strategy and higher conversion.

Register now to discover opportunities for modular content marketing to streamline and improve marketing materials and digital content, while increasing omnichannel engagement and landing page quality.


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About the presenters


Jacqueline Baxter

Director, Content Experience Design & Strategy, Sitecore